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Holy Tea

Dr. Miller's Tea

Dr. Miller's Holy Tea

Price: $12.50

Dr. Miller's Holy Tea


Holy Tea's name is taken from the traditional name of one of the ingredients, a widely-used medicinal herb known as Holy Thistle , and is not intended to imply any religious significance.

Formulated by Dr. Bill Miller (Ph.D. Nutritional Science) of Jackson, Tennessee - is a unique herbal blend of safe, all-natural ingredients
designed to gently cleanse the digestive tract and detoxify the body.

Dr. Miller's Holy Tea
may also be used as an element in any Weight Loss Program and is much more effective than Chinese Green Tea. Just drinking the Holy Tea regularly often results in a reduction in the amount of stored fat in the body, and a significant reduction in the size of the abdomen or belly. For some people, the weight loss has been achieved quickly and rather dramatically, but individual results will vary.
When the excess weight is actually from impacted fecal matter stuck to the inside wall of the colon and small intestine, no amount of dieting or fat loss or exercise can reduce the size of the belly.   But Holy Tea can!

If you have bloat, midriff bulge, or a "beer belly" then
Holy Tea can help you shed pounds and lose inches around your waist.

Dr. Miller's Holy Tea is a safe, good-tasting, detoxifying herbal tea which has been used with great results for over 20 years in Dr. Miller's two clinics by thousands of persons who suffered with:

Dr Miller's Holy Tea

  • Acid Reflux Disease (GERD) or Heartburn
  • Indigestion / Stomach Ache
  • Irregularity / Constipation / Hard Stools / Hemorrhoids
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) / Crohn's Disease
  • Abdominal Pain / Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IBDs)
  • Spastic Colon / Colitis / Ileitis
  • Excess Gas / Flatulence
  • Bad Breath / Bad Body Odor
  • Belching / Bloating
  • Enlarged Abdomen / Protruding Belly
  • Excess Stored Fat / Excess Weight / Obesity
  • Skin Conditions / Itchy, flakey skin or scalp
  • Inflamed Skin / Dermatitis / Eczema / Psoriasis
  • Allergies and Hay Fever / Food Allergies
  • Fibromyalgia / Sciatica
  • Joint Pain / Arthritis / Migraine Headaches
  • Insomnia / Restless sleep
  • Low Energy /
  • Loss of Mental Clarity and Concentration /
  • "Brain Fog" / Forgetfulness

Previous Beneficial Results

Over the past 20 years, thousands of patients at the
Jackson Health & Wellness Clinic in Tennessee have taken Dr. Miller's Holy Tea to cleanse their colon, detox their body, and lose weight. Thousands have achieved beneficial results and hundreds have given glowing testimonials (see below).

You would think people wouldn't want to talk about their colon and the nasty stuff stuck inside...
but they do!  Especially when they soon see how they are getting rid of it!  And that's why "word of mouth" has been the sole source of Dr. Miller's sales in Tennessee and surrounding areas for 20 years now. Now it's time to make it available to the rest of the USA - and to the world! This is a life-changing product that no one has to "sell" ...they just have to "tell".

Millions of suffering people need this product. Probably many of the people you know and care for could be helped by it.
If you care, will you share? Share the testimonials on this page, and if Holy Tea has helped you, share that too!

Simply by drinking two 8-ounce cups per day, Dr. Miller's patients have successfully used Holy Tea to:

  • Take inches off their belly and reduce fat everywhere (without dieting or giving up any favorite foods).
  • Feel more energy and enjoy life more
  • Restore mental clarity and improve memory diminished by too many toxins in the blood
  • Get relief from allergies and hay fever
  • Clean out pharmaceutical or recreational drug residues and heavy metals
  • Clean out nicotine and second-hand smoke deposits
  • Assist with a stop smoking program
  • Keep the colon, kidneys, liver, and lungs healthy and clean
  • Improve digestion and absorption of nutrients
  • Help detoxify chemicals created by parasites, fungi, yeast, and bad bacteria in the colon and digestive tract
  • Remove parasites such as worms and flukes from the colon
  • Help remove toxins from the blood, organs, and entire digestive system
  • Restore the natural balance of 80% probiotic bacteria to 20% yeast, to improve digestion and assimilation of nutrients
  • Restore regularity and reduce auto-intoxification
  • end constipation, hard stools, and hemorrhoids
  • Help relieve digestive ailments such as Acid Reflux (GERD), Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Crohn's Disease, Diverticulitis, Colitis
  • Clear skin conditions and body odor caused by internal toxins being excreted through sweat glands.
  • Have skin which is healthy, soft, and younger-looking
  • Aid in reducing high LDL cholesterol and hypertension

What You May Expect From Usage

With continued use of Dr. Miller's Holy Tea one may experience clearer, healthier, and younger-looking skin; increased energy; increased mental clarity and focus; a better memory; more resistance to diseases; better overall health; more comfort with the body; and a happier outlook on life.

When taking Holy Tea the objective is to regulate your bowel movements to two or three each day in order to keep the toxic waste flowing and not sitting in your digestive system for long. Delaying the passing of this toxic fecal matter may lead to numerous health conditions caused by auto-intoxification  (i.e. absorbing toxins, self-poisoning) and clogging the walls of the intestines and colon with hardened waste such as decaying vegetable matter and rotting meat - and all the bad bacteria, fungus, yeast, and parasite organisms which feed on it (some of which excrete their own poisons). Cleaning out this fecal matter and intestinal parasites can help reverse many of the conditions listed above, which are often symptoms of auto-intoxification and/or parasite infestation - and can lead to shrinking a bloated belly and shedding excess pounds.

What would happen if the plumbing pipes in your home had their internal diameter narrowed by a build-up of mineral deposits, finally got clogged up, and then the toilet waste started to back up into your kitchen sink where you washed your food?
Something similar is happening in your digestive tract when the food you ingest is not moved quickly enough through your digestive tract. Ideally, our food should pass through the mouth, stomach, small intestine, large intestine (i.e. the colon), rectum, and out through the anus in about 11 to 15 hours, but in North Americans today it is taking 26 hours or more. In some constipated people, it is taking up to 70 hours (almost 3 days)! That provides a lot of time for toxins to be absorbed into the bloodstream from the decaying fecal matter in the small intestine and colon.

Is it just a coincidence that the incidence of gastrointestinal tract diseases and cancer has also increased dramatically since the time when grandparents of this generation were eating only healthy, unprocessed foods and unpasteurized dairy products from the farm - and digesting their food and eliminating the waste in about 15 hours?
The slow-moving fecal matter begins to stick to the walls of the small intestine and colon, and starts restricting the flow of waste as it builds up a layer of old feces, mucus, and dead cells. The vegetable and meat materials in that layer of stuck-on waste begin to ferment and rot and release foul-smelling gasses through the mouth and anus, while continuing to release poisonous toxins into vital organs, the bloodstream, and the rest of your body.

This mass of stuck-on decomposing material becomes food for an immense number of bad bacteria, yeast, fungus, and intestinal parasites like amoebae, flukes and worms to thrive within the body.

Yeast is a type of fungus organism, and a common yeast that thrives in the human body is Candida albicans, which lives by consuming sugars. When the growth of yeast is NOT kept in check by the good probiotic bacteria and the yeast becomes too widespread, the body identifies it as a foreign invader and an immune response is triggered. The immune response can cause fatigue, weakness, feelings of malaise, and flu-like symptoms. When yeast ferments foods in the intestines and produces gas, it can cause indigestion and swelling of the belly. In the sinuses and nasal cavities, yeast can also cause swelling, as well as other allergy-like symptoms.
An excessive growth of yeast is caused by...Taking antibiotic drugs, which kill the bio-friendly bacteria that control yeast. Consuming too much of foods that support yeast growth, such as sugar, vinegar, and pickled foods. Eating too much yeast in foods such as bread, baked goods, or beer. Inhaling other fungus spores from mildew or mold.

The average person in North America now has the proper ratio of "good bacteria" to fungus reversed - 15 per cent good bacteria and 85 per cent fungus and yeast!
When these tiny troublemakers spread in the small intestine and fill it with fungus and yeast organisms, the result is incomplete digestion and poor assimilation of important nutrients. The organs and glands are deprived of their nutritional building blocks, and normal systems begin to fail. Also, when a pernicious yeast like Candida albicans is given room to spread, it sometimes spreads to other parts of the body. Systemic yeast infections are quite common today, and difficult to cure. Cleaning out an overgrowth of yeast in your own body could contribute to the elimination of most of the ailments caused by the yeast. You could start with a colon cleanse using Dr. Miller's Holy Tea.

Battle of The Bulge

You may have heard the expression "midriff bulge" used to describe a person with an extended or protruding abdomen. Other terms people use are "beer belly", "pot belly", and "beer gut". The medical term for this is bloat. Having too much fat around the mid-section is not the only cause of this extension. Most likely it's a serious build-up of toxic fecal matter in the intestines and colon that is contributing to a chronic outward swelling of the person's belly. This condition called bloating is NOT the stomach making the belly stick out, for the stomach is located ABOVE the transverse colon, beside the liver. Bloat is the COLON (large intestine) expanding due to the impacted fecal matter building up inside.

There is a reported case of an individual who had their colon removed due to cancer. The diameter of the diseased colon had stretched to 9 inches from the normal 2 to 2.5 inches, yet the orifice through which food was able to pass was smaller than a standard pencil! It is rumored that when the beloved singer/actor Elvis Presley died, the autopsy revealed that his bloated body had about 50 pounds of impacted fecal matter in his digestive tract! The same situation is said to have occurred with the famous Hollywood actor, John Wayne, who had even more pounds of toxic fecal matter in his digestive tract when he died.

Obviously, cleaning out the impacted fecal matter in your own body could contribute to a slimming of the abdomen and some significant weight loss. It might also save your life. It will certainly improve the quality of your life. The average healthy person who is not constipated will carry about 5 pounds of fecal matter in their intestines and colon at any one time. Many carry 6 to 12 pounds, but don't show the symptom of bloating because the colon will first drop down internally before it starts to expand outwardly when even more toxic waste accumulates. But people who are constipated or irregular can be carrying up to 40 pounds or more of this toxic fecal matter which is continually poisoning their body and organs, providing an environment conducive to the formation of polyps and colon cancer cells, blocking the passage of waste material, and inhibiting the absorption of nutrients and electrolytes and water.

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