The Whole Digestive System Cleanse
A Gentle Formula For Digestive Health
We at Perfect Mother Nature™ are happy to present Digestive Health, a gentle and wonderful way to address many digestive problems. These include Constipation, Diarrhea, IBS, Crohn’s, Flu Symptoms, to address the side effects from drug and antibiotic regimens, milk and sugar intolerances, Gas, Bloating, and Acid Reflux. In addition, with more efficient digestion the body’s ability to keep harmful pathogenic bacteria and fungals at bay like E-Coli, Salmonella and Candida Yeast is greatly increased. This can be achieved by maintaining high levels of good bacteria like the kind you find in yogurt. You may also take one tablespoon in 6 oz of water after eating to help calm an upset stomach.
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