Heated stone massage
• Wonderful, deep relaxation
• Significant stress reduction
• Detoxification of the body
• Improved circulation and a pleasant, warm feeling
• Stimulation of the lymphatic system
• Improved metabolic rate
• May ease bloating caused by water retention of PMS
• May provide relief of chronic or temporary back and neck pain
• Instant relaxation of tight and sore muscles
How Warmth from Heated Stones Relax and Energize your Body:
• Heated stones gently and slowly elevate the body temperature. Warm temperature helps to expand capillaries and stimulate blood circulation.
• Continuously, improves blood circulation and increases the body's' energy reserve.
• Metabolic exchange between the blood and cells, is accelerated.
• Finally, the process balances and soothes the automatic nervous system, allowing you to rest and relax.
• Heat and warmth, especially in winter and stressful times, bring the equilibrium we need. Heat may regulate digestion, speed up metabolism and speed up weight loss. In many cases, warm treatment instantly soothes PMS-related symptoms.
Have you ever felt during a massage That ?
Then try heated stone massage therapy, a post-modern combination of gentle massage with ancient tools of penetration. Heated stone massage therapy blends the ancient Native American art of stone massage with modern massage techniques to create a massage experience unlike any other you have received on a massage table before.
The Japanese have used them for centuries for stress and pain relief by placing them on troubled areas of the body where stones melt away the obstructions.
Heated stone massages evolved from traditional use of stones in Native American and Japanese culture.
In these cultures stones were used thousands of years as part of spiritual rituals. Native Americans and Scandinavians also use the stones in creating steam in their saunas and sweat lodges.
The heated stone massage is also a form of thermo-therapy. Deep penetrating heat and the weight of the stones, just melt away tight muscles and any kind of stress, even pain. Heat allows trigger points to dissolve and fade with minimal resistance.
The back of the body is considered Yang (masculine, less sensitive) and can take more of the heat, while the front and insides of thighs, arms, and bottoms of feet are Yin (feminine, more sensitive).
Heated stone massage combines Swedish Massage , Shiatsu, Acupressure and Reflexology. Aromatherapy oils such as Lavender may be added if you wish for more relaxation. Rolling with round stones over your soles, inside the hands and along the spine, feels wonderful! For lower-back pain, a large warm stone may be placed on the sacrum to assist the spine in relaxing. Warm stones rolled under the arm very effectively release lymph congestion. Warm stones under your neck while you are lying on your back, will ease your neck pain and upper back.
Anna C., North Oaks MN.
"It was wonderful. I booked my next one already."
Linda H., St. Paul MN .
"Tightness in my shoulders just melted away, and same with the stress! "
John A., Mpls. M N.
"I find heated stone massage very relaxing ."
Gary T., Shoreview, MN.
Stone Facial
Stone Facial can be done in conjunction with Heated Stone Body Massage or while are you are in any body wrap .
The National Institutes of Health. Alternative medicine: expanding medical horizons. A report to the National Institutes of Health on alternative medical systems and practices in the United States. NIH Publication No. 94-066. 1994.
Weintraub, M. 1992a. Alternative medical care: Shiatsu, Swedish muscle massage, and trigger point suppression in spinal pain syndrome. Am. J. Pain Mgmt. 2(2):74-78.
Complementary and alternative methods: types of bodyork. Available at www.cancer.org.
American Massage Therapy Association: definition of massage therapy.
Consumers guide to therapeutic massage and bodywork. National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork (NCBTMB).
Massage schools and careers: questions and answers. Naturalhealers.com information page.
About massage, bodywork and somatic therapies. Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals (ABMP).
American Massage Therapy Association: basic massage therapy terms.

Price: $85.00
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9am to 6pm
Saturday 8am to 1pm CST