Centrifuge Extracted Coconut Oil | Organic

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Centrifuge Extracted Coconut Oil | Organic
Wilderness Family Naturals
Centrifuge Extracted Coconut Oil | Organic 
Wilderness Family Naturals' Centrifuged Virgin Coconut Oil is USDA Certified Organic by ICS (International Certification Services). It is made from fresh coconuts that are shelled, chopped and then gently expeller pressed. The temperatures of the coconut flesh and the resulting coconut milk emulsion are carefully monitored to insure they do not exceed 40° C or 104° F. Once the coconut is shelled, it takes less than 45 minutes to produce the milk. This coconut milk, with the aid of a series of centrifuges, separates the oil from the water components of the milk. The centrifuge works like a cream separator used for separating cream from cow's milk. It requires a series of passes through 6 different centrifuges before a pure oil is isolated, but the result is absolutely fabulous. Lastly, a slight vacuum is placed on the coconut oil to remove any remaining traces of moisture. Once all moisture is removed, the oil is packaged into new stainless steel drums for shipment to the US. Our current centrifuged, virgin coconut oil is creamy and smooth when it is in a semi-solid state. It is completely clear like spring water when it is in a liquid state. It is pure white when it is in a solid state. It has a very mild, light coconut taste. This oil consistently rates number one every time it is taste-tested. However, many believe Wilderness Family Naturals' Cold-Pressed Virgin Coconut Oil rivals it. The main difference between the two oils is taste/flavor with the Cold-Pressed Virgin Coconut oil having a stronger flavor. Those who eat coconut oil raw or in raw treats generally prefer the Cold Pressed Coconut Oil and definitely, those who use coconut oil in a variety of applications and want a milder coconut flavor prefer the Centrifuged oil.
Taste Testing
In performing blindfolded taste tests with a selected panel, we have now sampled over 50 different virgin coconut oils here at Wilderness Family Naturals. We initially sold a Traditional Philippine virgin coconut oil made by fermentation, then we sold a South Pacific virgin coconut oil (DME, direct micro-expeller extracted). We have also sold centrifuged coconut oils from other sources. Through the years, we have discontinued carrying many of these oils as better quality virgin coconut oils were discovered. It is important to us to know which oils come out the winner in blindfolded taste-tests. In addition, we look at laboratory analysis data and certificates of analysis on every oil submitted to us. It is our desire to only carry the highest quality virgin coconut oils, with the longest shelf life.
About Wilderness Family Naturals
Wilderness Family Naturals is here to serve you from the pristine wilderness of Northeastern Minnesota. We are located on the North Shore of Lake Superior at the edge of the Superior National Forrest, in an untouched, unpolluted land teaming with wolves, moose, beaver and bald eagles. This area of the United States has some of the purest water and freshest air in the entire country and the soil here has never been depleted by farming or contaminated by industry. For over 20 years Ken and Annette have purposed to live clean healthy lives, believing that a diet with nutrient dense foods is key.
Initially, Wilderness Family Naturals began in the home of Ken and Annette Fischer, 20 miles from phone lines, electric lines, septic systems, indoor plumbing or plowed roads. In 2000, from the peace and quiet of the wilderness and with the help of their children, they began supplying healthy, nutrient dense foods over the internet. For the first 3 years WFN, which began as a simple family business, grew substantially as they worked to bless people with healthy foods and supplements.
Soon they were forced to move to a small town about 20 miles away where they could have UPS and US mail service and the ability to hire employees. Today, Wilderness Family Naturals is in the neighboring town of Silver Bay, MN and employs close to 30 people. It is still run by Ken and Annette Fischer; however, many wonderful people from the surrounding community come each day to help serve you.
Wilderness Family Naturals was created to help anyone who is looking for high quality, healthy food.